He married Kunjamma, the second daughter of Poocheril Chackochen and Mariamma, on 18th February 1950. They were blessed with five sons - Sunny, Raju, Babu, Johnny and Ronie. In order to support his growing family, he left for Kuwait in 1960 where his younger brothers were already employed. Kunjoonju was an ardent reader and enthusiastic in spiritual matters. His initiative resulted in the formation of the Brethren Assembly in Kirkee. Later on, when he went to Kuwait, he channelised all his spare time in spiritual matters. There also he was instrumental in starting a worship meeting for the Brethren believers for the first time. The small gathering which wast started in his flat grew to over 400 members in later years, branching out into 4 different Assemblies, later on (after Liberation of Kuwait) merged in to two Assemblies. He was always a firm Bible teacher and a good preacher. He had the ability to nurture and guide the assembly members with a firm hand. After spending a few years as Sales Manager with Roneo Vickers in Kuwait, he mover over as Purchase Manager with Hempels Marine Paints. He was able to uphold his testimony in all these trying assignments. Finally, he retired from his secualr job in 1985 and returned to his native place - Kerala. There he built a house at Vellappally. Two years after the completion of their home, he received his home-call. He passed away on 16th April 1988 while taking an afternoon nap, due to a heart-attack. Even after his return to Tiruvalla he was active in the Church activities in and around his native place. He is fondly remembered by all assembly members. Residential Address: Rachel Mathew