Jacob Mathew (Raju)
Was born on 8th September
1952 in Kirkee. Graduated from Mar Thoma College, Tiruvalla in English
Literature Completed M.A., in English Literature, from Indore University.
Later he had a short stint at Bombay to study Business Administration. He then
went to Kuwait to join his parents in 1975 and took up secular employment with
an automotive firm. Using his spare time he did a correspondence course in
Advertising and armed with a diploma moved to newspaper space selling with Arab
times, Kuwait. After a few years, he left that job and joined his previous
company as Advertising Manager. Returned to India in 1990, owing to the
Iraqi occupation of Kuwait, and settled down in Bangalore. At present, he
is employed with New Indian Express as Advertising Director.
Susan, daughter of P.K. Mathew and Mary Mathew of Karuvancherril House, Mylapra
on May 10, 1979. Susan is a graduate in Home Science from Bombay
University. She has worked in several capacities in Office Administration
while in Kuwait. She was last employed with the Sultan Center, a mega
supermarket in Kuwait.
The have tow sons. Jeremy, born on March 1, 1983, is now
studying in Class XI at Clarance High School, Bangalore. Andrew, born on
2nd October 1988 is now in 7th at Clarance High School.
Address :-
Jacob Mathew
2A,Oxford, Greens
13, Da Costa Layout,1st
Cooke Town
Tel # : 080-572929
: [email protected]