Appachan and Ammachi

P M THOMAS (Panickenmattu
Mathai Thomas)
Thomachan, Our Appachan was part of a large
family of 7 brothers and 2 sisters. He
was born around 1900 A.D.
After basic schooling he married Annamma,
daughter of P M Cherian and Mariamma Cherian
of Palamoottil, Ayroor in 1920.
Appachen moved to pamala,
bought the land which was a forest at the time. With his hard
work, he cleared all this land and cultivated it. These lands were prowled
by wild animals at night.
Seven daughters and four sons were born to them. He believed in
educating the children within his means.
All of them received basic schooling. Three children
went on to become graduates and the youngest son, became a medical doctor.
He was called to glory on 5th February
1966. He saw most of his daughters given in marriage
and three of his sons
reasonably well-established in life in secular jobs.
THOMAS (Ammachi)
Ammachi took over the affairs of managing the family after
Appachans death and she has been doing it
admirably. She is the Matriarch of the family, having outlive Appachen
by almost 33 years. She celebrated her cetenary this
year. In everyway, she is a privileged gift to the whole family. The
warmth of her hospitality is well known.
We are indeed grateful to the Lord for sustaining her even
in her somewhat deteriorating health condition. She needs much prayer for
abilities to carry on and be of special joy to the entire Panickenmattu family
especially towards the evening of her life.
Address :
Mrs. Anamma Thomas
Panickenmattu House
Pamala, Kunnamthanam P.O.
Tiruvalla, Kerala
Tel : 04738-3461